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There’s a reason COMBIMET has grown into our biggest range of 19” rack cases over the last 10 years: it’s so incredibly easy to customise. That has led to more versions becoming available as standard. And it’s all thanks to you…

What started out as a new three-height (1U, 2U, 3U) range of rack cases in 2011 has over the years evolved into a huge choice of options. And what is particularly satisfying is that the growth in the range and the direction of design has been driven by you.

Not just one or two design engineers, buyers or specifiers suggesting a new size or modification (though that’s always welcome…we love feedback, as you can tell) – but large numbers of customers requesting a particular variation. So many that what usually starts as a series of custom orders then often becomes available as standard. This has happened so many times in the history of COMBIMET that it has virtually become the blueprint for this model’s development (with a little help from our R&D engineers).

And that has helped to make COMBIMET our bestselling range of rack mount enclosures for a broad spectrum of applications including networking, communications, industrial computers, sound and studio, laboratory instruments and industrial control.

Let’s look at COMBIMET’s wide choice of variations – all available as standard…