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Technical Info

Technical Info

Here can you download our datasheets, certificates, REACH, RoHS & WEEE statements, assembly instructions and catalogues.

  • Data sheets / certifications
  • Assembly instructions
  • Catalogues
Drawings and 3D models files

How to download 2D Drawings and 3D Models?

1). Go to the individual product page of the part number you need (e.g. M6219145).

2). Open the 'DRAWINGS/INFO' tab at the bottom of the page. Here you can download the files.


- For 2D drawing files (.dwg/.pdf) you do not need to register, you can download them straightaway
(.dxf files can be supplied on request).

- For 3D models (.stp/.x_t/.sat) you need to register and then login before you can download these files.

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

METCASE Quality Management System

Stocked Paints Colour Chart

Stocked Powder Paints Colour Chart

There is no additional charge, or minimum order quantity, for painting standard enclosure parts in one of our stocked powder paint colours. View our standard powder paints colours here >>

Stocked Sheet Metals

Stocked Sheet Metals

We keep a large range of sheet metals in stock, aluminium for our standard enclosures and mild steel for custom housings and components. For each we have a wide selection of material grades, finishes and thicknesses so we can manufacture to your exact requirements. View our stocked sheet metals here >>

REACH Statement

REACH DIRECTIVE (EC) No. 1907/2006

ROHS / WEEE Directives Statement

WEEE (2012/19/EC), RoHS 2 (2011/65/EU), RoHS 3 (EU) 2015/863 and 94/62 EEC

Conflict Minerals Statement

Conflict Minerals
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Section 1502.

COMBIMET 19 inch catalogue


Highly versatile 19" rack mount cases in sizes: 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U and 6U.

METTEC 19 inch catalogue


19" rack mount enclosures with removable front panel in sizes 2U and 3U.

TECHNOMET catalogue


Advanced and highly attractive aluminium instrument enclosures for portable electronics.



Modern, highly versatile VESA-mount metal enclosures for HMI/control electronics.


UNICASE catalogue


Versatile instrument enclosures ideal for customising.

UNIMET catalogue


Modern desktop and portable instrument enclosures with or without a tilt/swivel carry handle bar.

Universal Carry Handle Bar catalogue


Tilt and swivel carry handle bars made of diecast zinc. The matching aluminium handle profile is cut to the correct width for your enclosure.

Enclosures Accessories

Enclosures Accessories
Extensive range of accessories including case feet, tilt feet and PCB mounting accessories.

Datamet catalogue

Stylish indoor wall mount enclosures with total access during installation.

Instrumet 19

Instrumet 19"
Stylish 3U instrument cases for mounting 19" subracks, chassis and panels. Sizes: 3U x 10.5", 3U x 19"

Minimet catalogue

Small aluminium enclosures for desktop and portable electronics.


Advanced instrument enclosures for desktop and portable electronics.

Technomet 19

Technomet 19"
Desktop mini-racks for fitting 19" subracks, chassis and front panels. Sizes 3U, 4U and 6U.


Ergonomic sloping front desktop enclosures with optional IP 54 sealing.

Unimet 19

Unimet 19"
Stylish 2U and 3U rack cases with removable front panel. Sizes: 2U and 3U

Unimet-Plus enclosures

Advanced instrument enclosures with internal chassis for PCBs.

Versamet 19

Versamet 19"
1U rack mount cases with fixed front panel.