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Our bestselling COMBIMET 19” range is a prime example of a rack case that has eschewed bezels but retained its elegance. Form follows function with sophisticated understatement. Not only is COMBIMET our most versatile and customisable rack case, it also happens to be our most cost-effective – so you get the best of all worlds. And unlike our rack cases with bezels, COMBIMET can be specified in custom heights, widths and depths.

Distinctive front handles make it easy to pull COMBIMET from a rack for inspection and maintenance. The front, rear, top and base panels are easy to remove. All cases (1U to 6U or custom heights) can be specified with vented or unvented top and base panels. And for electrical continuity, there is an earth stud on every panel – making electrical certification of the equipment easier.

We’ve expanded the COMBIMET range significantly over the years, thanks to our customers’ requests for bespoke sizes and versions. That’s because some of those custom sizes and variants became standard options as demand for them grew! So you can now specify standard versions with U-shaped wraparound tops that offer faster access to the electronics, Super-deep 24” (610 mm) cases for server racks, and Open Top versions for easy access and maximum ventilation.